St John's Catholic Primary School

To Live in Love

English - National Poetry Day 

Year 6 took inspiration from Michael Rosen's poem, 'On the Move Again' and wrote their own poems. Each and every one was fuelled with emotion and powerful messages. Thomas and Majka were chosen to represent St. John's and take part in the SHARES Poetry Competition. Out of 14 primary schools, we were successful and won the event, gaining first and second place! 

Collective Worship - Stay and Pray 

Inviting our school families to share our Collective Worship together. 

Reading - In Year 6, we love to read. Adventure awaits. 

English - Being question tag detectives! 

Faith in Action 

Year 6 children organised a Harvest collection in school. They gather foods together, created our school display and passed our collection over to our local foodbank charity - St Vincent de Paul. 

Faith in Action

At Christmas, Year 6 designed Christmas cards and shared them with members of our local care homes. 

Children wrote their own Christmas wishes for children around the world. They took the time to reflect on their own lives compared to those who live in conflict in countries such as the Ukraine or those who live in third world countries. 

PSHE - Celebrating Differences 

Why bully?

Collective Worship in Year 6

We celebrate time together each day by sharing our Collective Worship. An opportunity to think of God, his presence, learn about stories from the Bible and to reflect whilst all being together. 

Collective Worship - The Stations of the Cross

Collective Worship - The true meaning of 'Our Father'

Science - Learning about how light travels and how shadows are formed.

PSHE - Promoting the importance of being kind, caring and compassionate 

Faith in Action - Year 6 enjoyed a visit to our parish church, St. Mary Queen of the Apostle. Father Kenny gave us a guided tour of the church and children had the opportunity to ask questions. 

Faith in Action

Year 6 have designed and written their own thoughtful Easter cards and prayer cards for the residents of our local care homes. They have been shared with both Elm House and Birch Green Care Home in Skelmersdale. We hope they bring joy and hope into people's lives. We can make a difference. 


In RE, we have been learning about the rising of Lazarus. Children took part in conscience alley; they thought carefully about the actions of Jesus and asked the question: should Jesus have stayed by Lazarus' side whilst he suffered or did he make the right choice to stay away?


In Science, we have been investigating how electricity works. We have explored different components needed to construct a range of circuits and started to understand the different electrical symbols used for each component.