St John's Catholic Primary School

To Live in Love


At St. John's we aim to develop a love and appreciation of reading which will stay with children for life. We hope to achieve this through careful planning and teaching using up-to-date strategies and texts. We aim to use good reading materials and resources within Literacy lessons, guided reading, whole class reading and 1:1 sessions and to provide a breadth and range of reading material in school.

Children read everyday at St. John's! We have carefully mapped out our class novels to read and enjoy as a whole class and these link to our English units of work and curriculum topics where possible. But in addition to this children read their book banded books, library books, newspapers, magazines, information texts, access online books daily. 

Every child in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will have a hard copy of a banded book, in addition to an online library of E-books. All children working towards phase 5 phonics will also be able to access online or have a hard copy of a phonetically decodable book to support them in their phonics learning. Children will also have access to the library in school to encourage reading for pleasure.

Children should bring home their reading book and reading journal every evening to read at home. Once the book is complete children can change their book for another book of their choice at the correct level. This may be supported in the younger years. Our expectation is that children read something every night. Please see classes pages for more details of what this looks like in your child's year group.