St John's Catholic Primary School

To Live in Love

Our School Vision

At St John’s Catholic Primary School, we strive for excellence in education by providing a safe, secure, caring family environment, where individuals are valued and respected, enabling them to reach their potential, whilst growing in their love and understanding of the Catholic faith.

Our Mission Statement

We aim to achieve our vision through a rich and diverse curriculum with Catholic life interwoven; we believe our faith permeates all we do for, and with, our children.

Catholic education embraces faith and learning; the distinct nature of Catholic education is rooted in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

‘Everything we do in our Catholic school communities is shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life’ (John 14:6)

Our Aims and Objectives that can be used to assist us in fulfilling and judging the effectiveness of our mission statement are;


  1. To foster the spiritual, social, moral, emotional and cultural development of the children enabling each to develop his/her full potential;
  • By being a welcoming and caring community (vibrant environment, Christian symbols, displays, ‘open door’ policy, pastoral care, annual self-evaluation)
  • By being positive role models living out and promoting our 6 chosen Gospel values: love, faith, compassion, forgiveness, honesty, community (celebrate and promote British Values, restorative practice approach, links with local & national charities and care homes within our area, positive code of conduct, school council, reward systems linked to English martyrs, daily prayer, staff code of conduct)
  • By providing opportunities for quality Collective Worship, both in school and church involving the wider community (clear policy and guidelines, INSET, quality resources, attending church, PP visiting school, effective planning, monitoring, evaluation)
  • By the planning and delivery of inclusive, inspirational lessons via ‘The Come and See’ programme
  • By ensuring that inspirational learning encourages awe and wonder (visitors, educational visits, resources, displays, teaching and planning, use of ICT, theme days)
  • By learning about and celebrating other faiths, recognising, respecting and celebrating the differences in each other (educational visits, visitors from other faiths, class celebrations of other faiths and festivals)
  • By celebrating progress and achievement (sports day, celebration assembly, hymn practices, carol services and nativities, leavers services, annual reports)
  • By developing skills, knowledge and understanding in readiness for the future (Year 5 & 6 transition to high school days out, educational visits and visits, practical teaching, internet safety, A Journey in Love, visitors to school)
  • By offering opportunities for learning outside the classroom (Year 6 residential, visitors, educational visits, Forest School, allotment, prayer garden) 
  1. To develop individual members of the school staff, supporting personal and professional growth;
  • By ensuring that every member of staff feels valued and confident to contribute to the school as a whole (staff appraisal / briefings / meetings, 1:1 / small group supervision)
  • By enabling all staff to develop personally and professionally via quality CPD, including spiritual and well-being opportunities (inhouse / external CPD, INSET, The National College)
  • By building quality teams that enable staff to work collaboratively for the benefit of the children
  • By providing support and encouragement for all staff and to recognise their achievements 
  1. To enable St. John’s to develop its own distinctive Catholic identity celebrating the involvement of all in a caring and worshipping community;
  • By enabling all to be responsible citizens of the local and global community reaching out into the world (charities – CAFOD, Mission Together, Good Shepherd- Nugent Care, Cancer Research, Poppy Appeal, Children in Need)
  • By participating in Faith in Action, with all year 6 children completing ‘pin’ level
  • By maintaining positive links between school, home and the wider community (use of catechists working with and in school in relation to Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, Visitors e.g. local environment Rangers, Collective Worship assemblies, celebration assemblies / masses, sports clubs, community sports, celebrations within local care homes – choir, drama, etc.)
  • By supporting parents educating their children (Reception intake meetings, parent evenings, newsletters, reports, website, SeeSaw app, Facebook, homework, RE topic newsletter, phonics meetings)
  • By collaborating with the Archdiocese and the CES, ensuring attendance at RE courses, meeting, spiritual gatherings, and that all expectations for RE teaching and Catholic life are met.

Our Vision and Mission Statement is taught to our children via our school Motto and Values…


At St. John’s Catholic Primary School, we

‘Live in Love’

following the teachings of St. John, The Evangelist;

“My commandment is this: love one another,

just as I love you.” John 15:12


Children at St John’s Catholic Primary School are growing to be:

  • Compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words;
  • Forgiving of the deeds of others with the desire to show mercy by finding God in all things;
  • Honest about what they say of themselves and others in the pursuit of justice and fairness;
  • Tolerant in their acceptance of our diverse community;
  • Faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.

St John's Values