St John's Catholic Primary School

To Live in Love

Curriculum overview (Long Term Planner)

Curriculum Intent

At St. John’s our curriculum carefully devised, structured and co-ordinated to ensure both breadth and depth of knowledge, ensures that the experiences and opportunities we offer to our children are of the highest quality, creative, developmental and challenging so that all children can achieve their potential and have the highest of expectations for their future lives.

Nothing but the best in our quest to improve life chances and prepare our children to take their place as confident, responsible and active members of our diverse society.

Our curriculum vision is based on a magical ‘learning journey.’ A journey of exploration and discovery, within a supportive, safe and stimulating environment designed to support the children’s magical journey through school; the fabric of the building and the decoration telling a story, imparting knowledge and developing skills in a unique and vibrant manner. Laughter and learning going hand in hand ensuring that regardless of age, academic ability, disability or disadvantage our children flourish and thrive.

Our adults, just as much caught up in the excitement of the journey, are tasked with opening doors to possibility, removing the no entry and one-way signs, so that children can move successfully, retaining and articulating all the opportunities they have experienced. Experts who immerse our children in the wonders of our world unlocking each and every child’s potential by providing opportunities to experience the key to life-long learning - knowledge!  

Knowing more, remembering more and understanding more!

We aim to see our children

Bright, happy and well motivated with a keenness and a thirst for learning,

rushing happily into school each day eager to continue their life journey in Jesus’ image.


Confident, self-assured, reflective and independent, able to take risks and experiment with learning, taking pride in their own achievements and that of others,

understanding, forgiveness and reconciliation at the heart of the process.


Leading, able to share expertise, to transfer skills and retain knowledge,

making connections and applying reason, equipped for life’s challenges.


Determined and enthusiastic, seeking both question and answer so as to live in social harmony, caretakers of the environment, respectful and tolerant of other races, religions and cultures, life ready.


Able to self-select and discerning in their application of learning, resilient and entrepreneurial,

a host of resources at their disposal in the access of a relevant and realistic curriculum.


Supported to learn by committed and skilled practitioners

with an expert knowledge of how children progress.


Inspired by a wide range of enrichment opportunities, visits, visitors and experts who can espouse talent

 and develop outlets, so as to raise aspirations and enhance cultural, social and emotional experiences.